
Ride For Refuge

Ride For Refuge

Have You Heard About Ride For Refuge?

The Ride for Refuge is a family-friendly fundraiser held on Saturday, October 3, 2020, that helps support charities who provide refuge and hope for some of the most vulnerable people on earth.

This Year Will Be Different… But Better With Ride Freestyle

Here’s the good news: there’s so many more ways to RIDE this year. You can register your team, gather your friends, and select one of 15 RIDE Freestyle fundraising activities. You can do the same thing altogether, or mix and match within your team. Do what you can, wherever you can. #nobikesrequired

Can you still ride your bike or walk? Yes, of course! Still, it might be fun to try something different – take a look at the RIDE Freestyle choices and imagine what else you could do. You might find a new way to express your passion… for Refuge.

                                                          Register Your Ride

Your participation in the RIDE is a way to stand up for some 300 homeless youth in York Region who are deeply and often permanently affected by forces and events they can’t control and are in need of our support in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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