
Youth Mental Health Decline A Looming Fear For Increased Youth Homelessness

Youth Mental Health Decline A Looming Fear For Increased Youth Homelessness

COVID-19 has had an adverse effect on the many lives of our most vulnerable youth. What we do know is that we are witnessing increased stress, anxiety and depression in young people as a result of our current crisis. Many more youth are reaching out to helplines and counselling agencies across the country and are worried about what the future lies in store for them. Many who are homeless are struggling to find food, access to shelter and basic needs.

The Youth Homelessness Prevention and Housing Stabilization Strategy collaborative, funded by the United Way, consists of 38 community partners from a wide variety of sectors who support young people. The strategy will support the community to develop a system of care that involves service coordination and system transformation for youth at risk of, or experiencing homelessness in York Region through the development of a community-wide youth homelessness prevention and housing stabilization strategy. The Youth Strategy will be a collaborative approach to effectively preventing youth homelessness and shortening the amount of time a young person experiences homelessness, should it occur. It will involve bringing together the community, youth, agencies, stakeholders, businesses, government and those with lived experience, to develop a strategy that will be reflective of the voices of those it intends to serve.

Read the full Media Release below:

360°kids – Youth Strategy Media Release May 2020

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